
Pun joke from Santa Atilla the Hun

Pun joke from Santa Atilla the Hun

A Santa is someone who gives their time to do good. They speak honestly with so much sincerity it almost feels insulting, give people what they need instead of what they want, and sometimes even host wrestling or boxing tournaments. Honestly, who knows?

article Quetz took over Christmas:

#fategrandorder #fategrandordertheories #gametheories #gametheoriesand #anime #fategrandorder #gaming #fate #fgo #fategousa #theory #animetheory #manga #fategrandorderand #fgoanniversary #fgona #fateGrandOrder2024 #fateGrandOrderTheories #anniversary9 #anniversary9and #fategrandorder2024 #gametheory #musashi #saber #gender #genderbend #santa #christmas #nightingale #newyear

Capsule toy, Background music, Louhi, Video game walkthrough, Television advertisement, MAD Movie, Fate/stay night, enjou, Tier list, Genshin Impact, Nitocris Alter, Anime music video, ORT, Monster Strike, Stuffed toy, Tutankhamun, Fate/Grand Order Arcade, Honkai: Star Rail, Blue Archive, Fate/Grand Order – Absolute Demonic Front: Babylonia, Granblue Fantasy, Tezcatlipoca, Phantas-Moon, Oberon, Saber, fgo, fate, fate grand order, grand order, fgo ガチャ, ファンタ ズ ムーン, fgo ファンタ ズ ムーン, fgo bgm, フェイト, 反応 集, fgo ロウヒ, ロウヒ, fate go, 高 難易 度 fgo, fgo ost, fgo 周回, fgo mad, fgo cm, fgo 攻略, fgo op, ort fgo, グランド オーダー, fgo 炎上, フェイト グランド オーダー, fgo lostbelt 7

Phantas-Moon, Fanta, Nitocris Alter, Raid, Main Quest: Nahui Mictlan, U-Olga Marie, Arcueid Brunestud, Kingprotea, Super Bunyan, Yu-Gi-Oh!, Nitocris, ORT, Tláloc, James Moriarty, Aniplex, Lostbelt, Ichiban Kuji, Skaði, Grigori Rasputin, Shinsaku Takasugi, Tsukihime, Fukubukuro, Myst, Kukulkan, Carnival Phantasm, ファンタ ズ ムーン, fgo ファンタ ズ ムーン, phantasmoon, fgo phantasmoon, phantasmoon fgo, fgo 石 マイナス, nitocris alter, fgo nitocris alter, fgo レイド, fgo ファンタズム, fgo u olga marie, super bunyan fgo, fgo arcueid, fgo lb7, fate grand order lostbelt 7, fgo lostbelt 7, アドバンスド クエスト fgo, fgo new servant, 一 番 くじ, fgo 一 番 くじ, aniplex, ort fgo, fgo rasputin, fgo 福袋, fgo アルク

fgo, fate, grand order, fate grand order, fgo ロウヒ, ロウヒ, fgo bgm, フェイト, fgo ガチャ, 反応 集, fgo 周回, fgo ost, fgo mad, fgo op, fate go, fgo cm, fgo 攻略, myst, myst fgo, fgo 高 難易 度, フェイト グランド オーダー, fate/grand order, fgo イベント, oberon fgo, ort fgo, Louhi, Background music, Capsule toy, Video game walkthrough, MAD Movie, Television advertisement, Fate/stay night, Oberon, Anime music video, Fate/Grand Order Arcade, Genshin Impact, enjou, Tutankhamun, Tier list, Tezcatlipoca, Fate/Grand Order – Absolute Demonic Front: Babylonia, Stuffed toy, Honkai: Star Rail, Quest, Blue Archive, Monster Strike, Kukulkan, Saber, VTuber, Arknights

fgo ロウヒ, ロウヒ, ファンタ ズ ムーン, fgo ファンタ ズ ムーン, louhi fgo, fgo phantasmoon, fgo レイド, fgo メンテ, 津田 探偵, ドルフロ 2, fgo road to 7 lostbelt 6, 津田 健次郎, fgo 正月, fgo クリスマス 周回, fgo クリスマス, 一 番 くじ fgo, fgo バグ, 一 番 くじ, fgo 箱 イベ, ドゥルガー fgo, fgo アビゲイル, アビゲイル, ボックス イベント fgo, fgo 炎上, fgo christmas 2024, Louhi, Software bug, Fanta, Private investigator, Kenjiro Tsuda, Maintenance, Phantas-Moon, enjou, Abigail, Ichiban Kuji, Rerun, Skaði, Girls’ Frontline, Road to 7: Lostbelt No.6 Campaign, Nitocris Alter, Japanese New Year, Promotional video, Fate, Myst, Kukulkan, Grigori Rasputin, Colombe, Camazotz, Formal wear, Camazotz

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